kose kahve 1

If you want to watch the everyday life of Alaçatı, Köşe Kahve, with delicious breakfast, lunch, coffee, dessert & appetizer options is definitely your place, as it is located at one of the most popular corners (Köşe meaning corner in Turkish) where locals and tourists pass by quite often.

Our beloved friend Tomris has transformed the old village cafe on the corner of the main square into a lovely cafe on 2004 , adding her aesthetic taste, joy and warm hospitality into it, while Gülay, sweet and lovely manager of Köşe Kahve turned the cafe into an enchanting place. With her always smiling face, blonde hair, blue vivid eyes, she starts the day always shining at Köşe. She never ceases to come to your table, ask how you feel, offer complimentary food and do her best to cheer you up. Her team also follows her footsteps with their positive energy and cheerful attitude.

With delicious omelettes, menemen (special Turkish egg), twin simit (special Turkish bagel), fresh baked croissants, quinoa parmesan salad, avocado strawberry salad, peach & purslane salad, hamburger, grilled salmon, prosciutto pear parmesan platter, pork sausage, cherry crumble, merengue, you can treat yourself to one of the best dining experiences Alaçatı has to offer. Hence it comes as no surprise that this cute place is one of our favorites in Alaçatı.



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